Lean & low calorie turkey & lamb raw dog food recipe

Lean & low calorie turkey & lamb raw dog food recipe

If you are looking for easy to follow raw dog food recipes then we have you covered!

raw dog food

Our pet nutritionist has created a HEAP of nutritious raw recipes for dogs and cats and you can get full access to all of them as well as our pet health and wellness 4 week programs here

The recipes are designed to FUEL your dog with the best nutrition possible and ensure:

  • They are at a lean body weight
  • They have excellent digestion and gut health
  • They have firm poos 
  • They have less farts
  • They have shiny coats
  • They have long term health

Plus you can see this recipe in our Ultimate Raw & Homemade recipe book here

 This recipe centres around turkey breast as the hero, a lean and high protein meat that will keep your dog’s metabolism roaring.

Chia seeds and oats add fibre to help them feel full for longer, and a rainbow of vegetables and herbs add nutritional variety and antioxidants.


• 650gm turkey breast/mince
• 50gm lamb liver, diced
• 55gm egg
• 100gm sweet potato
• 90gm cauliflower
• 20gm kale
• 25gm oats, quick/blitzed
• 6gm eggshell/calcium
• 2gm chia seeds
• 0.5gm turmeric
• 1gm cod liver oil
• 0.5gm wheatgrass powder
• 0.5gm kelp powder

Raw dog food


  1. Steam the sweet potato and cauliflower until tender

  2. Add the kale at the end and blanch

  3. Combine vegetables in a bowl and mash with a potato

    masher or fork until combined

  4. If cooking the meat and egg, broil with a little water until

    just cooked

  5. Add all of the ingredients to a bowl and mix to combine

  6. Portion and freeze or store in the fridge for a few days



And if you want to check out our recipes in our Ultimate Raw & Homemade recipe book here

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