65 raw dog food recipes

65 raw dog food recipes

Healthy Active Pet, an Australian company, has made a book with 65 tasty and healthy raw dog food recipes. These meals are perfect for giving dogs a balanced diet that fits their needs.

They can help with many health issues like skin problems and keeping a good weight. This recipe book named "Healthy Dog, Happy Dog" shows pet parents an easy way to switch their dogs to wholesome food for life.

The barf recipes stand for Biologically Appropriate Raw Food and are a natural choice over most dog food brands.

They let Aussie dog owners feed their pets' meals full of what they really need. This includes all the necessary nutrients and vitamins they require.

The focus of these dog food recipes is to use good ingredients for a healthier and happier dog.

Key Takeaways

  • Healthy Active Pet, an Australian pet nutrition company, has launched a 65-recipe "Healthy Dog, Happy Dog" raw dog food cookbook.
  • The recipes are designed to provide dogs with a balanced, species-appropriate diet that can help with various health issues.
  • The book teaches pet owners how to easily transition their dogs to a fresh, whole food diet for lifelong wellbeing.
  • The barf (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food) recipes offer a natural and wholesome alternative to commercially processed dog food.
  • The recipes focus on using healthy, high-quality ingredients to support overall canine health and happiness.

Introduction to raw dog food

Raw dog food is becoming popular. More pet owners see its benefits. It's called BARF or raw meaty bones. This way of feeding dogs is natural and suits their needs.

Benefits of a raw diet for dogs

Many benefits come with a raw diet. Dogs get better digestion and healthier skin and coats. They also have a stronger immune system and less inflammation.

This diet lets owners pick the best ingredients for their pets. The control over quality and source is in their hands.

Transitioning to raw feeding

Changing to a raw diet needs care. Start by adding some raw food to what the dog already eats. Then, slowly, feed them more raw food over weeks.

Watch how the dog reacts. Look for better energy, solid stool, and no tummy troubles. Make changes as necessary. With care, switching diets can be good news for dog and owner.

Meat and protein sources for raw dog food

Choosing the right meat and protein for a raw diet is key. It gives dogs the amino acids they need plus extra health benefits.

Selecting High-Quality Meats

Ethically sourced high-quality meats are the base of a raw dog diet. They should be free of hormones and other chemicals. Look for them from caring suppliers who farm ethically. Good choices are chicken, turkey, beef, lamb, and bison for these diets.

Organ Meats and Offal

Organ meats and offal are vital too. They add lots of vitamins and minerals that dog's need, especially beyond muscle meats. Include liver, kidney, and heart for about 10-15% of the meat and protein in their meals.

Meat and Protein Source Key Benefits
Chicken Lean, easily digestible source of high-quality meats and protein for raw dog food. Provides essential amino acids.
Beef Rich in iron and other minerals. Offers a robust, satisfying meat and protein source for raw dog food.
Organ Meats Liver, kidney, and heart are packed with vitamins, minerals, and organ meats and offal that support overall health.
Bison Leaner alternative to beef, offering a nutrient-dense meat and protein option for raw dog food.

Fruits and vegetables for raw dog food

Raw dog food recipes use many fruits and vegetables. They help create a balanced, nutrient-rich diet for dogs. These plant foods give important vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also provide fibre for good digestion.

Some favorite fruits and vegetables for raw dog food are carrots, sweet potatoes, and berries. Carrots have beta-carotene, which is great for eyesight and a shiny coat. Sweet potatoes are full of healthy carbohydrates, vitamin A, and potassium. This makes them perfect for raw dog food.

Choose organic and pesticide-free foods when adding fruits and vegetables for raw dog food. This lowers the chance of your dog eating harmful chemicals. Remember, not all fruits and veggies are safe. Grapes, raisins, and onions are dangerous for dogs. Always ask a vet or a raw feeding pro about the best and safest choices for your dog.

Fruit/Vegetable Nutritional Benefits
Carrots Rich in beta-carotene, vitamins A and K, and fibre
Sweet Potatoes High in complex carbohydrates, vitamin A, and potassium
Blueberries Packed with antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and fibre
Green Beans Contain vitamins C, K, and A, as well as minerals like iron and calcium
Pumpkin Rich in fibre, vitamins A and C, and beneficial for digestive health
Apples Provide vitamins A and C, as well as fibre and antioxidants

Healthy fats for raw dog food

Healthy fats play a key role in a dog's health, from their skin and coat to their immune system and brain power. This part will focus on the value of adding omega-3 fatty acids and coconut oil to raw dog meals. We'll look at the big pluses these fats bring to our pets' lives.

Omega-3 Fatty Acids

Omega-3 fatty acids come from sources like fish oil and flaxseed. They keep a dog's inflammation in check. This makes them great for skin troubles, easing stiff joints, and keeping the heart strong. Adding omega-3s to your dog's food recipe can work wonders.

Coconut Oil and Its Benefits

Coconut oil is a gem in raw dog food, with wins for skin, digestion, and energy. It also fights bacteria, adding an extra layer of wellness for your best friend.

Raw dog food recipes

Healthy Active Pet's "Healthy Dog, Happy Dog" recipe book is full of tasty and healthy raw dog food recipes. It's designed to keep your pet healthy and happy. You'll find everything from nutritious breakfasts to filling main meals and yummy treats. All the recipes use top-quality, natural ingredients.

Main Meal Recipes

For your dog's main meals, we have a variety of recipes. They're packed with all the nutrients your dog needs. These meals use high-quality meats, organ meats, and a mix of fruits and veggies. They're complete, nutritious, and your dog will love them.

Treat Recipes

Our treat recipes are something special for your furry friend. We have crunchy dehydrated treats and even frozen popsicles. These treats are both delicious and nutritious. They use good ingredients to help keep your dog healthy.

Raw feeding for puppies

Raw feeding is special for puppies. They need all the right nutrients for their growth. An ideal raw diet supports a puppy's health and energy.

Nutrient Requirements for Puppies

Puppies need more energy and nutrients than adult dogs. Their diet should be full of top-quality proteins, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals. Key nutrients include calcium, phosphorus, and amino acids.

To meet a puppy's nutrient needs, a customised raw diet is best. It also needs the right mix of raw feeding for puppies, nutrient requirements for puppy raw diet, and raw dog food recipes for puppies.

Puppy-Friendly Raw Recipes

Raw recipes for puppies should be carefully prepared. They should include lean meats like chicken, turkey, or lamb. Adding organ meats and bones is also crucial for nutrients.

Don't forget fruits and veggies. They add important vitamins and minerals to the diet. Besides, serving balanced meals is key. Talk to a vet or a pet nutritionist for the best plan or see the Healthy Dog Happy Dog raw dog food recipe book.

Nutrient Puppy Requirement Adult Dog Requirement
Protein 22-32% of calories 18-26% of calories
Fat 8-15% of calories 5-15% of calories
Calcium 1.2-1.8% of dry matter 0.5-1.5% of dry matter
Phosphorus 1-1.6% of dry matter 0.4-1% of dry matter

Understanding what puppies need is important. By providing the right food, owners can support their pups' growth. A raw feeding for puppies strategy ensures they get the best nutrition.

Raw feeding for senior dogs

Our dogs change what they eat as they get older. It's important to change their diet to keep them healthy. This is especially true for senior dogs.

Adjusting Recipes for Senior Dogs

Senior dogs have different needs from the youngsters. They might not need as much energy. So, you should make their meals with fewer calories but still full of nutrients.

Older dogs might also struggle with hard food and have dental problems. To help them, use softer proteins like raw chicken or ground raw beef. Add more organ meats and whole vegetables too.

It's also good to include joint-supporting supplements in their food. Things like glucosamine can make their joints feel better. This keeps them feeling great as they age.

By making these changes, your senior dog can stay healthy and happy. They'll enjoy their raw food diet well into their older years.

Storing and handling raw dog food

Keeping raw dog food fresh is key. It’s essential to store and handle it properly. This keeps your pup's food safe and stops bad bacteria. Safety ensures your dog stays well.

Freezing and thawing raw meals

Raw food for dogs belongs in the freezer. This locks in its goodness. Always thaw food in the fridge, not on the counter. Room temperature makes bugs happy.

Food safety practices

Getting raw dog food ready needs clean hands and tools. Always wash your hands before and after. This keeps bacteria away. Keep the cooking area spotless. Make sure to throw out any bad food.

Using these tips means top-quality meals for your pet. It also means they're at less risk of getting sick. These steps will make your dog enjoy a healthy raw food diet.


What is a raw dog food diet?

A raw dog food diet is made of uncooked ingredients like meat and veggies. It aims to copy what dogs eat naturally.

What are the benefits of feeding a raw diet to dogs?

Eating raw food can make dogs digest better and have shinier coats. They may also have more energy and face fewer health problems. This diet fits dogs’ natural eating habits well.

How do I transition my dog to a raw diet?

Switching to raw food should happen slowly. Start by mixing a little raw food with what they usually eat. Then, add more raw food over a few weeks. Keep an eye on how your dog reacts, and tweak the diet as needed.

What types of meat and protein sources should I use in raw dog food recipes?

Choose top-quality meats for your dog’s raw diet. Mix up the meats to give your dog all the nutrients they need.

How do I incorporate fruits and vegetables into raw dog food?

Use fruits and veggies like berries and carrots in your dog’s raw diet. Add them slowly, and watch how your dog handles them.

What healthy fats should I include in raw dog food recipes?

Include good fats from fish, coconut, and avocado for a healthy dog. These fats are great for the skin, coat, and overall wellness. P.S it is a myth that avocado is bad for dogs.

Can I feed a raw diet to my puppy?

Yes, puppies can eat a raw diet. But, it’s crucial to ensure they get all the nutrients they need as they grow. Work with a vet or pet nutritionist to plan a balanced diet for your puppy or see the puppy raw feeding recipe book here

How do I adjust raw dog food recipes for senior dogs?

Senior dogs might need some recipe tweaks. They could use more protein, less fat, or joint supplements.

How do I properly store and handle raw dog food?

Storing and handling raw food safely is essential. Freeze and thaw it right, and keep everything clean when preparing it.

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