Hodges Raw Dog Food Recipes

Hodges Raw Dog Food Recipes

At Healthy Active Pet we love to empower pet owners on how to make raw dog food recipes and how to give your dog the best in nutrition.

And today Hayley is sharing how Hodge is going on his raw dog food diet

raw dog food recipes

Hodge's Raw Dog Food Diet

Hayley says, "Today we tried the raw dog food turkey and lamb recipe from the ultimate homemade dog recipe book. 

We went with turkey mince rather than turkey breast as it is much cheaper in price.

I already had sliced carrot from dinner the night before and I always keep frozen spinach and blueberries in the freezer so this recipe was great as I had a lot of the stuff already.

raw dog recipes

I did not add liver as no matter how much I try hodge just will not eat liver. He absolutely loves the oysters though!

I used fresh ginger as always have that in the fridge. I purchased wheatgerm oil, cod liver oil and kelp powder a while ago when I started making these dog food recipes and it just goes such a long way!  

These dog food recipes have really helped me learn about how much more variety our dogs can really have! It’s great to be able to mix it up as hodge loves variety in his food.

raw dog food diet

The recipes are so nutritious as well. Best part is you have majority of the ingredients already in your cupboard or in your weekly grocery shop like the vegetables used. 

My latest trick has been freezing any extra veggies I have left over that I can use for hodge so when I do his meal prep I can use those.

Helps keep the cost down a lot! 

See all our raw dog food recipes here 

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