10 Foods You Should Never Feed Your Dog
Even some of the most well-trained dogs can still get up to mischief when left alone in the kitchen.
That being said, there are certain foods you should avoid letting your dog eat to prevent making them sick.(You can also check our pet nutritionist created recipes and meal plans here)
Here we cover the toxic foods to avoid feeding your dog below so you can keep them healthy and happy!
A dog and a bone go hand in hand like jam and cream on a scone! However, it’s important that these occasional dog treats are always raw/uncooked bones and not cooked ones.
There’s a simple reason why: cooked bones are more likely to splinter as your dog chews away on it. These splinters cut and cause internal damage to your dog, which is quite dangerous indeed.
Raw bones on the other hand are great for keeping a dog’s teeth and gums healthy and cleaning their digestive tract!
Chocolate is perhaps the most well-known food item to avoid feeding to dogs.
Veterinary research has determined that this is because of a single molecule: theobromine. Although it is naturally occurring in plants (it was first found in cocoa beans), theobromine is toxic to dogs (and cats too for that matter).
All chocolate is not a safe treat option for a dog, but especially dark chocolate.
If a dog were to eat chocolate by accident, the blood flow to their brain will increase. Although a small bit of chocolate that falls to the ground and is eaten by a dog may not cause severe symptoms, larger pieces can lead to vomiting, diarrhea, restlessness and even seizures or fatalities. Effects and symptoms vary and are generally worse in smaller dogs.
You would probably never dream of feeding your dog coffee or tea, but a curious dog may be tempted to take a slurp from your tea cup when your back is turned or you leave the room.
This can be dangerous for the same reasons as above – they also contain the dog toxic molecule “theobromine” and should be kept away from your dog.
Sodium (aka salt) is an ingredient to be mindful of in your dog’s diet. It’s unlikely you would add salt to your dog’s usual food, but unfortunately most regular store-bought pet foods contain fairly high levels of sodium.
Dogs can’t regulate how much salt they are eating and it has a dehydrating effect that can make them excessively thirsty or need urinate more frequently. In ongoing, high doses, sodium can also cause an upset stomach, diarrhea and bloating.
It might seem strange that a meat eater like a dog shouldn’t have bacon or even ham.
The reason? Fat! High fat content in porcine meats like bacon aren’t great for your dog’s health.
Not only are fatty foods not good for their heart health, but high fat intake can also lead to short term indigestion, nausea and long-term weight gain in dogs. Veterinary research into canine nutrition has also linked bacon to the inflammatory condition of pancreatitis in dogs.
Lean meats are the most nutritious option for you dog.
The average dog has over 1,500 tastebuds and although dogs generally prefer the flavour of savoury food like meats, they can taste sweet foods.
The problem is, just like in humans, sugar converts to fat when consumed by dogs, which isn’t great news for their weight and overall health. Sugar also leads to tooth decay and dogs can suffer from diabetes too, with sugar contribute to this.
While nuts are generally safe in moderation, macadamias are the exception and can cause nausea, vomiting and muscle weakness.
Xylitol or Birch sugar: an increasingly popular sugar substitute, xylitol is highly toxic to dogs and can quickly cause liver damage if ingested .
It may be hard to believe, but even one grape can be very dangerous to your dog.
It was a mystery for more than two decades as to exactly why these were toxic to dogs, but American Poison Control Centre Veterinarians recently discovered it is due to the tartaric acid in grapes.
The presence tartaric acid can lead to sudden and acute renal (kidney) failure and even be fatal to dogs. They simply cannot metabolise grapes, raisins and sultanas like humans can, and these foods should be off the menu for your dogs.
If they accidentally consume one, pay attention to early signs of sickness such as lethargy and continuous vomiting. Seek immediate medical attention if this occurs!
Onions, unlike garlic, which is perfectly safe in moderation, onions should never be fed . This is due to a compound called thiosulphate that can cause haemolytic anaemia
You can also go here to read about foods people think you can't feed your dog BUT you can!
We hope this helps you determine which foods to avoid feeding dogs, where to substitute with other alternatives for their wellness, and of course how to continue to keep your beautiful dog happy and healthy for longer!
You can also check out our own Healthy Active Pet products and recipes and 4 week challenges created by our pet nutritionist here