Fresh food meatloaf dog food recipe

Fresh food meatloaf dog food recipe

If you are looking for easy to follow homemade dog food recipes then we have you covered!

Plus this dog food recipe has been road tested by Hodge who gives it the BIG paws up!

Our pet nutritionist has created a HEAP of nutritious raw recipes for dogs and cats and you can get full access to all of them as well as our pet health and wellness 4 week programs here

The recipes are designed to FUEL your dog with the best nutrition possible and ensure:

  • They are at a lean body weight
  • They have excellent digestion and gut health
  • They have firm poos 
  • They have less farts
  • They have shiny coats
  • They have long term health

Plus you can see this recipe in our Ultimate Raw & Homemade recipe book here

This recipe features pork, which is rich in which is rich in lean and high protein meat selenium for thyroid health and supports a healthy metabolism

Eggs are not only a binder, but also contain almost every food please nutrient dogs require, including vitamin D, which may have a positive impact on their weight


• 300gm pork mince, lean
• 300gm chicken breast mince
• 50gm beef liver, diced
• 100gm eggs
• 80gm pumpkin, diced
• 60gm celery, diced
• 45gm beetroot, grated
• 50gm oats, quick or blitzed
• 5gm parsley, chopped
• 6gm eggshell/calcium
• 0 .5gm wheatgrass powder
• 0 .5gm kelp powder


• Preheat your oven to 180 degrees

• Combine all of the ingredients in a large bowl and mix to fully combine

• Line a loaf pan with baking paper and place meatloaf in pan evenly

• Bake for 30 mins and check, draining any liquid as required

• Return to the oven for another 20 mins or until cooked through

• Cool and slice into serves to refrigerate or freeze as needed

We hope you love the recipes - check out heaps more of our recipes and meal plans here 

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