Dog owners share their raw dog food dinners to inspire you

Dog owners share their raw dog food dinners to inspire you

At Healthy Active Pet we are big advocates of a raw dog food diet or a barf dog food diet.

And we love to help inspire, educate and inform dog owners about how you can feed your dog a raw dog food diet and how it can help them be in their best health possible.

And today we are sharing some of the amazing raw dog food creations from members of our Healthy Active Pet Community - what a lot of lucky dogs there are out there to eat all this delicious raw dog food for their dinner!

And if you are keen to get into feeding a raw dog food or barf dog food diet then check out our recipe books - we have over 80 recipes!

Raw dog food inspiration

Lesley says, "I do my own pre-mix for the freezer, so there's nothing "pretty" about it! 😁 Just add kelp, egg, coconut oil or hemp oil, yoghurt or psyllium husk etc on serving. Rotated supplements, not all at once or every day."

Bianca says, 

"Love a raw dog food bowl 😍 duck heads are a favourite in our house!
  • Mince - usually changes for variety
  • Puréed fruit and veg and with seeds and supps
  • Eggs - chicken or quail
  • Love adding fancy fruits for some colour
  • Bee pollen
  • Always pop some bone in
  • Raw chopped garlic 🙌🏽 (P.S it's safe for dogs!)

Catherine says, " This is an example of raid the fridge and cupboards and making raw dog food, because I haven't gone shopping LoL.

  • Big Dog chicken
  • Turkey necks
  • Vegie mix and kiwi fruit
  • Blueberries and yogurt
  • Hemp seeds and apple cider vinegar.

Belinda says, "My guys are still adjusting to a raw dog food diet so I'm mixing their current Healthy Active Pet freeze dried dog food along with it. This was breakfast this morning"

Shannon says, " I have so many pretty raw dog food bowls for my dog and cat "

Donna says, "my dogs love the raw dog food recipes from the Healthy Active Pet recipe books"

Bianca says, " Alternative bowl 😍 love a good enrichment meal mostly filled with raw meat and topped with whatever needs using lol (p.s Healthy Active Pet freeze dried dog food is perfect for enrichment"

Sally says, "I make my dogs raw dog food - this is Jazz, my quality control dog."

Rhian says, " I love making my dogs raw dog food. They love it and I love that it is so good for them"

And if you want recipes and inspiration - see our raw dog food recipe books here

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