Top Ten Tips If You Have a Sensitive Dog
We know it is hard when you have a sensitive dog, so we have summarised our top 10 tips for supporting your sensitive dog’s health. (You can also check our sensitive dog 4 week challenge here)
- Check for fleas or other undesirable critters, like mites
- Work out if something around the house or garden is causing a reaction, like a cleaning product or a plant
- Find a vet that supports your wishes to avoid processed food and medication where possible
- Switch to a fresh food diet and remove processed food and treats
- Conduct an elimination diet to determine if a food allergy or intolerance is present
- Focus on healing the underlying causes of sensitivities, not just the symptoms
- Take steps to support the health of the gut
- Reduce your dog’s exposure to chemicals like weed killers and fragrances
- Consider titre testing to check for immunity rather than giving annual vaccines
- Be patient; healing can take time