Enrichment Raw Dog Food

Enrichment Raw Dog Food

The nutrition in dog food is so important for their health and wellbeing but many of us are unaware of what is in commercial dog food. You can find out more here on dog food.

And hot tip  of the day is to start reading labels of the dog food you feed them  - steer clear of dog food with high carbs and non identified meat sources as well as synthetic ingredients.

And if you want a 100% natural raw food dog food check out our air dried dog food here

Raw dog food enrichment

And here Hayley (Mum of the gorgeous Hodge who now feeds raw dog food recipes from Healthy Active Pet) shares her raw dog food enrichment ideas she has been feeding Hodge.

dog food

Hayley says, "With winter here I enjoy finding new enrichment ideas to keep hodge busy. Today we made two variations. One in a toppl and another on the licki mat. 

I used Greek yogurt (must ensure it’s not Greek style yogurt), dog peanut butter, sardines and of course the turkey and sardine complete meal from Healthy Active Pet.
These are great ways to use the raw dog food and complete meal as a treat if you’re not wanting to use it as a main meal”

Check out our 100% natural dog food here
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